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Muc-Off Individual Tyre & Cassette Brush

Available in store
Dispatched between 4th Jun and 6th Jun.

Individual Muc-Off Tyre & Cassette Brush

Part Number:





Scrubbing dirt from your tyre’s and cassette after a long ride can be a chore, so we designed a specific brush to help make the job a little easier. Stiffer-than-average nylon bristles make short work of any grime your bike has picked up from the road or trail. Simply spray some of our pink Nano Tech Bike Cleaner on the affected areas, agitate with the Tyre & Cassette Brush and rinse.

Sizes Individual Muc-Off Tyre & Cassette Brush
Brand Muc-Off
Model Year 2021
Barcodes 5037835369007
SKUs / Part Numbers 369

Please note: Manufacturers can sometimes change the specification of the products from time to time.

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