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Muc-Off Individual Drivetrain Brush

Available in store
Dispatched between 4th Jun and 6th Jun.

Individual Drivetrain Brush

Part Number:




Put that old paintbrush away ? there?s a new boy in town. Reaching the deepest and darkest parts of your drivetrain can be a challenge without the right tool. That?s why we developed our high-quality Drivetrain Brush. Boasting a mean, all-black finish, this is the perfect bit of equipment to apply our Bio Drivetrain Cleaner to your chain, cassette, mechanics and sprockets in no time.

Sizes Individual Drivetrain Brush
Brand Muc-Off
Model Year 2021
Barcodes 5037835368000
SKUs / Part Numbers 368

Please note: Manufacturers can sometimes change the specification of the products from time to time.

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